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Hot Sweats Again!

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Eastender | 10:56 Thu 11th Aug 2005 | Body & Soul
9 Answers
Hi been going through the menopause now for around 1 year.  Have seen the doctor, but I decided against any form of HRT.  Have tried Red Clover, Black Cohosh and various alternate remedys, but the Hot Sweats have come back with a vengence, I am feeling really down! and feeling I cannot cope anymore, and all the usual stuff that comes with the so called, Best Time of your Life !!!! So my question is, has anyone been on HRT or tried anything else that has worked.  I want to be me again ! thanks


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I am 52 and started having symptoms aged 42. I have tried 2 kinds of HRT and neither worked either. Got 2 years relief from some stuff called progesterone cream. If you google on those words you will find the website. The stuff is �30 a pot though but a pot lasts about 2 months. This has just stopped working for me but the good news is that the sweats which were fierce are now less awful and less frequent, so hopefully there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I now deal with the symptoms...only wear natural fibres, keep a water aerosol handy, get sleep in the daytime or early evening if I haven't slept at night. I have hiked my intake of water. I take cod liver oil and glucosamine capsules, ginkgo biloba tablets and st John's wort tablets and this combination seems to deal with the depression, mood swings, joint aches and memory loss

Haven't found that diet change helps so I still enjoy a glass of wine or a scotch if I want to!

Sorry this isn't particularly helpful I know. You are part of a great club of women all going through this ans ALL coming out the other side. Your last sentence is what I said when things were awful. You are still in there.

I hope that someone out there might be able to post something more practically helpful. Keep your chin up and when you really feel bad just think that at least you will never get prostate trouble!! (hugs)

Hi..... i've just been reading about your problems with the menopause, I can understand you not wanting to take HRT and prefer an alternative.  One thing I can suggest is perhaps give a homeopathist a try I know that when my time comes to have these dreaded problems, the Homeopathist would truly be my first port of call.

I've known people to have great benefits by visiting a Homeopathist.  My husband suffers with Gout and could of been on medication for the rest of his life.  I pushed him to go seek this alternative therapy and it worked brilliant he hasn't had an attack in years.  Prior to that it was every 2 weeks!!

Its worth a try, if you do go then please let me know how you go on, I really hope it can work in your favour.

By the way i'm not a Homeopathist or a promoter, I've just known people who have tried this pass and have had wonderful results.  It doesn't work for everyone, I realise that but you've nothing to loose.

Good Luck!!

Let me know how you go on.

Hi there mum went through the menopause in a very bad way, she was totally against hrt and tried many forms of homeopathy and over the counter stuff that helped a little but not a lot.
She finally bit the bullet and went on to hrt, she reformed to being a normal happy woman within 2 weeks!! no sweats (at all!) no depression, no confusion and her sex drive returned.
I know there is a big stigma about hrt and strokes etc, but she has been on it for 5 years without so much as a hiccup, and so much happier for doing so...why dont you give it a go, if it doesnt suit you, you can always come off of luck x

I so feel for you.

I started at 39 and am now 46 and can now see the light at the end of the tunnel.It has been some journey.

The sweats do seem to be an early indication and tend to become less intense.I also gave up on HRT and decided to go cold turkey.Feel as though I have been to hell and back during the time of your life you can enjoy - kids settled not too many financial worries etc.

I cant add to previous postings as you have been given very sound advice.Just wanted to give you my support.

P.S just to cheer you up - if I talk about it my husband ALWAYS buts in and says 'Tell me about it I've been going through it as well for the last 7 yrs'.Bear in mind he works away and is only home 3 days per fortnight.Oh how I feel for him!!!

All the best and you WILL get through it and be yourself again!!

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Thanks for all your answers.  Will give the Homeopathist a go. cheers x
I had a hysterectomy 14 years ago and my ovaries were removed.  The hospital doctor recommended that I went on HRT.  Well, I have been on it since.  I have tried to stop it 5 or 6 times but feel so ill.  Doctors give you the impression that HRT will stop the hot flushes, mood swings and everything else that comes but they don't tell you that once you come off it, you will still go into the menopause.  If I hadn't taken HRT, I would have been though the menopause and been able to get on with my life.  As it is, I feel as if I can only get on with my life with the help of HRT.
I think I have seen the light at the end of the tunnel .. I have had sweats for the last couple of years, but they seem less frequent now, in fact I suddenly think "Oh, haven't had a hot sweat for ages" but I still get the odd one, usually at night.  Have you tried Soya tablets, soya milk or soya spread (called 'Pure').  Soya tablets are from Holland and Barrett, and they seemed to help me.  Good luck!
I wake up at about 3 every morning sometimes quite wet from sweating and I just can't get back to sleep. My periods stopped 3yrs ago . I used to get night sweats where you could feel it building up and it made me feel quite sick. These are different and I would have thought I had gone through the menopause now. I went to the doctors a few years ago and was pescribed HRT but I didn't take it. I'm thinking about it again now though.
I have taken HRT for at least 10 years and felt great. I recently decided to leave them off due to the health scare but boy, do I regret it. The menopause symptoms are here! I am seriously think of going back onto HRT if it is possible.

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