Loratadine also has the advantage of being really cheap if you buy it under that name (rather than under the various brand names that it's also available), particularly from Co-op pharmacies.
However what suits one person might not suit another so well. It's a case of trial-&-error (combined with advice from your pharmacist, of course) really.
I used to have Loratadine, but they got 'less effective', so upgraded to Cetirizine, which I have used for the last 3 years or so (no drowsiness problem at all). Eyes have started running again and as my eyedrops are the strongest I can have, my Doc has now upgraded me again to Fexofenadine, so we'll see how those go.
sddsdean, i´m taking loretedina, the downside is congealed mucus in my left nostril, its very uncomfortable. and they´re giving me headaches. might try the cetiirizine