i suspect he is still angry about your fight and he is trying to let you know you shouldnt challenge him as he is more intelligent than you
he does not sound like a good friend
some people react badly when they row, especially if deep down they know they were wrong, so instead of just letting it go or apologising they try to reinforce the things they said during the row, to let you know that they actually meant them.
i would just be as rude back to him - you sound quite timid and he seems to think he can speak to you anyway you like
say to him - well if i didn't understand the question, as you have written it, then you must not have made it very clear - ask him to resend the message and this time to add more of a clue as to what he means than merely asking 'what should i do now' ... because really thats all his actually question amounted to.
or just tell him you dont know ... refuse to engage in his power games