The pain must be because it`s pressing on a nerve or something. Fibroids usually give you heavy periods so it`s strange that you don`t have them. I didn`t get pain really. In the beginning, I had a vague sensation that there was something there because I could feel it pressing in a nerve and I used to get a fleeting sensation of something pressing on the bladder. I went to a doctor who implied there was nothing wrong with me and didn`t even do an examination. Years later, I started getting heavy periods and could feel that there was something big there. I had one fibroid of 13cm. As there was just the one, I had it embolised which was quite a new procedure in this country. It shrunk it to 9cm but it never went any smaller. They can be quite good at finding a new blood supply and continuing to thrive. The procedure worked straight away though - no more heavy periods. The fibroid is still there but I don`t get any problems. I guess the pain relief is a matter of trying different things. I like naproxen for pain but it depends what works for you.