Not having an awful lot of experience in ENT, where otitis media is as common as muck,
and not liking NICE guideines an awful lot but recognising they control parts of our lives...
I can see that 237 SJ isnt run-of-the-mill. History of perforation, history of grommets, history of multiple infection and isnt aged 7 either.
In answer to 237 SJ's question - the question of use of antibiotics in children with otitis media was answered by a researching GP - Fry I think, in the seventies. And he published his results - in his book I think.
Two series - children with and without antibiotics and the courses were identical. ergo antibiotics not needed, and the early infection is probably viral.
Clearly NOT what 237 SJ is talking about
and whole thread shows the dangers and advantages of slavish adherence to guidelines.