yes I am pretty sure so
she should ask at the ward, staff nurse or sister
or at PALS in the hospital
I am surprised this hasn't been covered by the nursing staff, as in " this is a 44 m return journey how are you going to do it ? "
I am surprised someone on benefits doesnt know exactly what she is entitled to, now there is an extra mouth to feed, and where to apply.
Actually on another subject - I was approached in a children's hospital car park by an English speaker who wanted the train fare to Derby...
I said you are miles away from the railway station, go back to the ward where your child is admitted and...[see above]
Oh, said she, my child isnt a patient here.
I am sorry you are gonna have to beg elsewhere said I.
[story triggered by the question , how do I get the travel fare....]
a grandchild David, how exciting !