My Ball
A nurse noticed a man in golf attire pacing up and down outside the operating room where another golfer who had a golf ball driven down his throat, was being treated.
"Is he a relative of yours?" the nurse, stepping outside the room, asked the pacing golfer.
"No," replied the man, "That's my ball."
Taking advantage of a balmy day, a priest and three other men of the cloth swapped their clerical garb, and went to play golf.
After several really horrible shots, their caddy asked, "You guys wouldn't be priests by any chance?"
"Actually, yes, we are," one cleric replied. "How did you know?"
"Easy," said the caddy, "I've never seen such bad golf and heard such clean language!"
The golfer's wife was in full flight. "If you ever spent a Sunday with me instead of playing golf I swear I would drop dead," she screamed.
"There's no point in trying to bribe me," replied the husband.
Roger and Charlie emerged from the clubhouse to tee off at the first hole, but Roger looked distracted.
"Anything the matter?" Charlie asked.
"No, it's just that I can't stand the club pro," Roger replied. "He's just been trying to correct my stance."
"He's only trying to help your game," Charlie soothed.
"Yes, but I was using the urinal at the time."