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Following On A Bit From Flump

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gness | 20:21 Wed 30th Jul 2014 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
Just had the longest and most refreshing shower.....

I have spent most of the day spreading manure....I was filthy and smelly...

Now I'm clean....fresh..deodorized.... trying out my latest perfume...Rose and Chocolate....and off next door with a bottle of wine to gossip.....

But somehow I miss the smell of manure....

Your favourite smell?.....x


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Petrol and WD40.
Mr Tilly's shirts.
come and visit. have closed the windows as the pigs next door forgot to use deodorant.
bitumen being laid? a refinery, the smell of money being made.
Burnt Castrol R, fresh made missus ;0)
sorry my favourite smell - our families new baby after she has been bathed. so fresh and new.

second - new mown grass.

3. gin & tonic.
Coconut, vanilla, Mamma's sugo cooking on the stove, suntan lotion, petrol
Bergamot oil. Reminds me of Bergasol suntan lotion that I used as a teenager which in turn reminds me of summer.
Vanilla, AvGas, bitumen, chicken roasting, fresh laundered bed linen.
Hi Gness, fresh coffee is one, petrol another, many perfumes , rain after a hot spell, sweet peas, new car interiors, oh so many !
A joint of beef roasting.
Possibly a bit weird (and maybe not exactly my favourite odour) but the smell of horse manure always takes me back to childhood holidays - in a caravan park next door to some stables.
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Nice and different answers....Gettinblurry..I loved the smell of manure today....was reluctant to wash it off....perhaps it is happy memories...x
I love the smell of napalm in the morning ...
LOL gness - it's not quite Chanel No 5 though...
Pics or it didn't happen.
Fresh Tar, WD49 and Carbolic.
WD49 Mamya ?.
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I don't know, Gettinblurry...But I was quite taken today......I have some hanging in a sack filled with water and dripping into a bowl....just to see....☺

Jim....I wasn't blinged up....and you know I don't do unblinged pics!

Mamya....that's kind of scary.....are we seeing a different side to you?...☺

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