Well today was the day...my left eye got a zapping. Lovely doctor she was really nice - slightly trigger happy with the laser - I explained I didn't feel comfortable with the lense that they use, so she gave me an extra drop of anaesthetic and a wee bit more gel and she did it so gently I wasn't aware of it being there. It's amazing what a nice doc and a bit of Disney can do! Back in December for a check but all being well that should be it sorted. I'm glad I can finally see now the drops have worn off been squinting and had glasses on and off, much to OH's amusement but got a ill bit of pain so painkillers after dinner.
Queenie, you are very brave. I would be weeping and wailing and complaining about how much it hurt and what a horrible experience it was. I hope it settles down and works out well for you.
This was the one occasion where it only hurt when a certain area was hit Tilly. But I was beginning to panic slightly when I really wanted to blink but I couldn't as I had the lense in my eye. I felt like I was crying but that was just the gel running. I think this was the one time where I wasn't too fussed. But I'm glad that's it all done :)
I'm going to go sit in a dark room for a bit as I'm quite sensitive to the bright lights
Hi queenie, have only just seen your question.
No, he didn't, fortunately he's been lucky and always had very good awareness signs...are you having problems?
Qom, was your laser treatment to correct shortsightedness? I had cataracts removed from both eyes 5/6 years ago and the surgeons implanted lenses to correct my extreme myopia, Absolutely amazing! Threw away spectacles after 50-plus years. Good luck with your check-up!