No my memory is rubbish, but that's because I have too much to do at the moment- the more I have to do the more likely I am to forget something I've found.
I can remember lots of detail from many years ago but not more recent things. For example I can still remember car registration numbers of cars in the family from 30 years ago but have no idea what our last car reg number was
Since I had a Major Op. in 2009, quite a large chunk of my past has gone from my Memory, as has my interest in a number of things, but this is apparently not unusual after a large dose of GA.
Yes. I have a scarily good visual memory. I could remember what someone was wearing 10 years ago because I can picture it as it happened. I`m often told at work that I have a good memory because I remind people of things we did when I last worked with them and they have virtually no recollection. When I think of some of the antics we used to get up to I`m quite glad that it`s only me that remembers it.
I have an excellent memory of my life, events and people I've met, including those I went to school with. I'm not so good at remembering little chores and birthdays until the last minute.