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It is very exciting! I have no idea of the potential cost of this kind of thing but it could mean much less appointments as most of us are in outpatient treatment for life and, as you say NoM, less blood monitoring etc... I was really taken aback at the cost of some of the drugs I've been on, moreso the biologics, crazy they can cost that much!
It would be amazing to not have to worry more about my immune system being suppressed, especially as mine isn't the best anyway and having to try to avoid germs and the knock on effects of having to take so many antibiotics etc... and knock on to GP and nurse services.
It would be great not to be so jacked up on pain medication too as long term use of things like codeine, oromorph and other things can't be great for you.
I imagine it would also mean less pressure on your other organs, like the effect on the liver and other things of some of the drugs which, like in my case, can mean having to reduce or stop them.
I wonder if it could help conditions such as fibromyalgia too, given some of the treatments are nerve related (I think?) like pregabalin like I'm on. Maybe even things like sicca syndrome which is related and hidradenitis supperativa which I have which some things say is autoimmune.
It would be great to help people get back and retain their independence and have a better quality of life and make getting and keeping a job easier, I will literally work until I drop though I'd had to drastically change my career and go part time and it doesn't help having so many medical appointments and being poorly so much, especially due to the immune issues, with the knock on (sorry, need to stop using that phrase!) effect on sickness absence and time off etc...
So many other things I can say but not being in as much pain and being able to walk properly again would be a miracle in itself! :)