You do not appear to be able to differenciate between the common cold and influenza. Unfortunately, this is the time to learn. If you have 'flu that will lay you out with aches, total loss of energy for weeks as per methyl's earlier post
Nope, your family will not necessarily get it. They may well have become immune when you were incubating the virus.
However your problem could be bacterial follow-up.
Night-Nurse as jno suggests should help Short-Term if you can take anti-histamines.
The main thing is to "hock-up" sputum from the lungs and look at its colour. If it's green then you may, just may, have a bacterial follow-up.
In that case, 'phone your GP and tell him or her you Fear you have pneumonia - you will then get some action whether it is the case or not.
It may not make the tabloids but lung infection is serious and should be seriously addressed.