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Tips For Lifting Your Spirit, Please

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Marijn | 14:16 Tue 13th Jan 2015 | Body & Soul
64 Answers
Does anyone have any tips on lifting your spirits when you're feeling tired of things? Is there anything that works for you, that you could pass on. Thanks


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Park? The cross country bus? Not all of us have transport.
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Thank you all very much. I'm going to make a list and try them all. Answerprancer, that's funny cos I was watching funny Xfactor clips at the weekend. Who is Rachael the prostitute? Is she the Welsh girl who says she's better than Madonna?
BTW I gave the bottle of sherry to my sister, and she was happy with it :-)
Marjin -please don't try the alcohol it was suggested by myself and another as a joke,it will make you feel worse.
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Thanks Retrochic. I know you were joking. But it reminded me I like sherry, that's why I bought some, but as I said, I didn't like it. (I thought it only came in red, but mistakenly bought a white one) I could never become an alcoholic, thankfully, because I don't like the taste of alcohol, other than red sherry, and Baileys.
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Answerprancer, do you mean this one:

Hope it's just the January blues and you soon feel better. Excersise is a good idea but getting up the courage when it's freezing outside is hard!!
Marijn thanks for the X factor vid .that young girl just made me feel a lot better about myself ;-)
Google 'Poverty Videos In India or other poor country's, and think how lucky you are!
I ecvho dustypuss! I'll look that one up trt, thanks
So no one is allowed to feel bad in life unless they live in poverty? What a load of tosh, people can't help how they feel.
You would be surprised how many people on here think you are only allowed to be depressed if you are poor or have suffered a tragedy
trt what an utterly unhelpful and thoughtless remark that is. I doubt Robin Williams never saw that channel or maybe he'd be still be with us.......
Take up a drawing or painting class can lose yourself in that and it's rewarding....

a coffee out with friends or talk to the folk who sit next to you!
TRT, rather a trite response, if that did the trick then no one would be down or disheartened.

Marjin, I often find just the little things cheer me- painting my nails or silly films that sort of thing,oh and very loud dance music.

Feel brighter soon.
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Thank you all very much. I'm not depressed, just feeling down-hearted, and this thread has been very helpful to me.
A good laugh in good company always cheers me up if I need it

Company can help too (if they aren't avoiding you in case you bring them down :-D)

Hmm, no wonder I'm always miserable. (I have two zero-answer threads tonight, for example).

Stick with this to the end - the last scene is worth the wait.

Music is my remedy
Well, it worked when I emailed it to myself - here goes again.

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