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Do You Have To Inform Your Dentist

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Psybbo | 22:06 Sat 24th Jan 2015 | Body & Soul
9 Answers
if you have been diagnosed with type 2diabetes?


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So's mine. :o) Ding!
22:18 Sat 24th Jan 2015
Not sure but mine always asks if any new meds, so no harm telling them.
My dentist always asks about any changes to medical status and medication every time I I would volunteer the information.

///Not least, individuals who suffer from diabetes must make sure both their physician and dental care provider are informed and aware of their condition, medical history and periodontal status.///
Patients at my dental practice have to complete and sign a form relating to medical conditions/medication every time they go. I would mention it. It can do no harm.
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Thank you all, I'll let him know. By the way, he is gorgeous
So's mine. :o) Ding!
So is mine. He's like a YOUNG Paul McCartney.
I have to complete a health form every year at my dentist and have to state any health problems, medications etc.

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