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Why Is It If You Sleep With An Arm Outside The Covers When You Wake It's Stiff And Sore

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sandyRoe | 08:59 Fri 06th Feb 2015 | Body & Soul
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Cos it got cold
oh dear ..I will be sure to tuck you in proper tonight sandy xx lol
Doesn't happen to me.

I only have the covers half covering me.
Question Author
Sleeping in a draughty room probably doesn't help.
They reckon that all the blood flows back into your body's core, from the extremities, to keep that warm. I think it helps the vital organs. This is why some Women put their cold feet on their partner's body, to warm them. It happens quicker in Women, and it doesn't help if you're not tall either.

Doesn't help either if you're in a cold room and sleep with your arm uncovered
Does something similar happen if you sleep with your head outside the covers ?
That explains a lot, I used to suffer that a teen, only it wasn't my arm!!
Cod it got grasscarp said.
My mother always told me to keep my shoulders covered in bed.
I very often get a stiff neck if a cool breeze focuses on that area when I am driving on a hot day with a window open.
It's never happened to me. I'll come and tuck you in tonight Sandy. xx
it's when i put the cold arm back under the quilt and round my better half that my problems start
Wear a long sleeved jammy top with the sleeves tucked into a pair of fleecy thermal gloves. Problem solved. All toasty and warm. Nothing ever need be stiff or sore again ! oo err mrs...
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It's funny how things come around again. I was in a poundshop the other day and saw Inca hats for a pound each. I bought one thinking it would keep the draughts off my ears. It does, and the thought struck me that I likely wore something similar when I was a child. The wheels nearly turned full circle.
^is that to sleep in sandy, or just for going about??
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I only wear it in the privacy of my room with the door securely locked. ☺
ah, I had you down for something a little more racy in that department ;)
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That's the last picture I'm sending you. You'd no business pasting it all over t'internet. :-(
damn! and I thought I'd used snapchat - do you mind about the others as well? ;x)
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"Blackmail" is an ugly word... ☺

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