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pixi | 10:35 Tue 13th Sep 2005 | Body & Soul
30 Answers
Not sure if this is right section, but, if you were in a situation (say after a global disaster, or stuck on an island in the middle of nowhere) would you consider eating human flesh to stay alive?  Oh and I dont mean Hannibal 'hunt em down and kill em' style either.  But say you were in a big group of people and one of them died would you eat them or would you rather starve?


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Hi pixi - I'd like to think not but you could never say never.   If I died first no one would get very fat on my stringy little bit of flesh! 
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hi robinia, hope you are okay, hee hee you must be like me then lol  gotta go cos its time for work, have a good day everyone byeeee

Yep, if it came to it, I'd eat a cooked human without giving it a second thought!
yep, and i can think of a few people on here who'd get the chop first.
Hi pixi,me and mr loz not been too well,he went one better and had a stint in hosp,while I died at home...You couldn't have eaten me I'd have been off..Would we be red meat or white like pork or veal...

You'd probably be best killing them and eating them, you don't eat animals that have died of natural causes :S

If you were very desperate you probably would eat human flesh, cooked or uncooked but it doesnt taste very nice either way.
with the amount of people saying ye, i think i might open a restaurant, what do you reckon to �25 per head ?
But erm, how can I phrase this. What about the Mad Cow Disease risks ; -) ??????
Depends, do we really know how we'd act in that sort of situation?There is only a thin line between civilisation and barbarism. Like Lord of the Flies but wait thats a book, maby im in the wrong section lol

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