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Awful Virus Doing The Rounds At Work?

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ICEQUEEN20 | 18:29 Mon 01st Jun 2015 | Body & Soul
21 Answers
Virus covering 7 floors at work doing the rounds ...some of us into the third week of it..starts with hot and cold sweats aching limbs and weakness in back and legs..dizziness no taste or smell..on and off diarrhoea stomach cramps..some of us have had to take couple of days off sick some havent...our various doctors have said just a virus..i have lost ten pounds in two weeks due to no appetite..feeling queasy and generally yukk .what virus is it? Any ideas or advice?


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I presume not all workers on all seven floors are in regular contact with each other?

Have the Employers had the air con/ventilation systems checked?

It may be a coincidence but worth them doing so.

(Not medically qualified)
I knew I was doomed when checkout girl sneezed into her hand then gave me my change.
I have a streaming cold, aching joints and no appetite. Sounds like a lurgy doing the rounds, mutating as it goes.
I must say that Mamy's idea re the air-con/ventilation was my initial thought, too.
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We are in an old fashioned local authority building with open windows when needed..never known any virus like it in 14 years I have worked here..everyday somebody else walks in white as a sheet. .horrible
I had something similar. Chesty cough, diarrhoea, runny nose, red eyes, extreme lethargy and I was white as a ghost. It's by far the worst common virus I've ever had.
Quite obviously the people that are sick should stay at home because they are spreading the virus.
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But it's lasting three weeks...we can't all stay off!! We are bleaching cups n utensils..spraying door pads etc. .boiling water ...the worst thing is the night sweats and vivid nightmares..
Icequeen20 what part of the country are you please? - I've been decidedly 'off' with vomiting and generally not right for the past few days - hope I haven't got another few weeks of this! I'm in the SE.
Hope you all feel better soon btw.
Sounds very much like a norovirus.

Nothing much you can do once it is in the building. Make sure you wash your hands with soap and water regularly and wipe door handles with "wipes."

As for the treatment take at least a couiple of days off and make sure that you are well hydrated.
I was going to say Noravirus. When I had that it only lasted about 3 days though. Maybe it`s a variation on it.
If the dire rear is agonizingly painful as well as explosive, you may have campylobacter, and it may be someone in the kitchens or canteen ( or nearby lunch-cafe) who is the original cause. I had it a while ago, and I was impressed by the sheer ghastliness of the nightmares. Could have earned myself a fortune as a science-fiction writer, if only I could have remembered them.
Your doc should send a specimen for tests.
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South East Essex rsvp...burning digestive system..back aches and then cold..general malaise. .diarrhoea morning only
.then just aches and resident cafe to blame here..aching legs ..we compare nightmares the following day..its riduculous..anti bac wipes liquids bleach never been used so much..wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. .not quite the pre holiday diet I bargained for :-(
What do you mean by "burning digestive system"?
and "back aches and spasms?"
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Irritated digestive tract after eating..calmed down by Gaviscon. .then the rumbling stomachs start...
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Achey tight legs and back causing muscle spasms
thanks for the update ICEQUEEN20 - haven't got it badly but certainly have a mild dose. Won't blame you though even though we're both in the SE.
Get well soon.
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Lol thanks rsvp...get well soon x
I still think your doc should send samples for tests.

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