A biker friend, hit by a car coming out from a side road
2 broken wrists
1 broken arm
4 broken ribs
and a broken leg
How long will he be immobile, he is in his thirties
My guess, 6 weeks or so. Then restricted for another 6 to 8 weeks.
A lot depends on how complicated the fractures are, complex fractures could be twice that.
Elliemay its not "obvious" By "immobile" I mean bed bound, maybe even unable to turn over or sit up unaided, certainly unable to use the toilet.
Psybs, in the early stages, much of the limitation will be due to bruises and strainsas well as the fractures. The broken wrists will need about six weeks for a simple fracture, the broken leg depends on how its fixed and what he broke. The ribs will be really painful for some time.
He will be being "encouraged" aka bullied to move as much as possible and to be out of bed as soon as possible to avoid complications like thrombosis.
Thank you all. Update, he underwent 8 hours or surgery, has pins and plates in leg, arms etc. and in fact has 2 broken arms.
Yes, Sqad, he was rushed to hospital. The good news is other than a slight bruise on his forhead, no back, head or internal injuries
Thanks Psybbo......as other posters have said, it depends what you mean by "mobile".If you mean back to some kind of work and providing it is not manual and depending upon the success of the procedures, it would seem that you are looking at 6 months.......at least.