When I got my prescription a month ago it had a repeat
form attached. I've never had that before. Do I just take it
to the chemist or do I need the doctor to sign something
It also tells you when you need to make an appointment to review medication if it says 5/6 it means after the next repeat prescription you need to make another appointment.
It's a repeat request for a prescription rather than the medicine itself. It has to be filled.
I leave mine at the GPs a few days before I need the next prescription. Then I collect it and take it to the chemist.
Many GPs can now come to an arrangement with a local chemist to get it automatically filled and you can get it directly from there, or maybe even delivered.
There is a new thing EPS electronic prescribing service where the dr can email the pharmacy you have previously appointed and then you go in and collect the drugs. Repeats are then done by email to the drs surgery
worked well from day 1 - an incredible miracle considering how much the govt waste on computerisation
Our repeat prescriptions are dealt with by the clerk, and once they've been approved by the GP they are passed to the surgery dispensary from where the medicines can be collected after 48 hours.
Now if only they could have got that 'Patient Access' app working. No one seemed to have a clue, even those who claimed to. And the claim was always that the user had to do something but the instructions given were always what had already been tried; and appointment requests were never enabled :-(