Headaches in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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EvianBaby | 15:48 Sat 02nd Apr 2016 | Body & Soul
21 Answers
For years I've been suffering with frequent headaches. I am now getting them daily and often from within an hour of waking up. I first visited the doctor about18 months ago who found through blood tests I had slightly overactive thyroid and low iron. She put me on iron tablets for a couple of weeks but did not request I get retested and did not think my headaches were related. At the same time I had my eyes tested (I have the correct prescription glasses) and tried cutting out specific things from my diet, which had no effect. I am now back with the doctor (a new one) as they are more severe and frequent. She thinks they are stress related and has had me on 10mg of amatriptiline a day for the past month. This has made no difference so has increased me to 20mg a day for the next 2 weeks until I finish using Champix and then wants me to increase to 30mg a day. She will also retest my bloods this week.
I'm not concerned there is any serious issue going on but I don't want to end up on amatriptiline for the rest of my life. I haven't had a migraine for a long time, I would just call these severe headaches but it's getting too much to deal with all day every day. Does anyone have any suggestions?
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Sorry, forgot to mention both doctors have said I have slightly high blood pressure and both seem to ummm and ahhh about beta blockers but seem reluctant to put me on them.
I'm 32 and otherwise healthy. No other meds aside from Champix which I finish in 2 weeks and the pill (cerazette). The headaches were an issue long before I started on either of these.
Hi Avianbaby, sorry you're suffering with these headaches. I think you mean Amitriptyline? I was given these about ten years ago for neuralgia, also had depression. Perhaps the Doctor thinks it's probably stress and nerves might be overused/damaged? They are good, so give them another couple of weeks. The only down side for me being on the drug was night terrors! We're all different, so don't mean it will happen to you. Like I said, give them a bit longer, then if no change, do go back to your doctor and insist on more tests. Good luck.
No advice or suggestions to offer, just wanted to say "hi, long time no speak". Hope you're OK apart from the headaches.
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Yeah, that's them, sorry. I already get messed up dreams from the Champix so I hope not. Just really want to find something to help the headaches other than permanently popping pills but of course I'll give the course a try.
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Hi Rocky! Not been around for a while so wasn't sure anyone would remember me. Nice to see some familiar names :)
How could we forget you. I miss your sarcasm ;)
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Ha! Me, sarcastic.... Yeah ok. :) hope you're all good too!
Years!......long time.
it does indeed sound psychosomatic ( nervous problems) and with a slightly high BP and you not responding to antidepressive tablets, I would have thought that a trial of beta-blockers would be a good idea.
Do you take painkillers each day? You can get rebound headaches that the painkillers, I believe, cause.

That is the limit of my knowledge

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Thanks Sqad. Any idea why they'd be reluctant to try beta blockers? They've both thought about it and decided not but I've not really said why.

I try not to take painkillers if I can but at the moment they're too severe for me not to.
Difficult to say....probably your age....you are a bit young ;-)
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Yay! I'm too young for something! :)
Do you use artificial sweeteners? I got awful headaches after switching to them and they eased when I stopped them. Something you've probably tried but figured it was worth a mention.

I also got them on Dianette (pill) but see your headaches started before going on the pill.

Hope you get it sorted, headaches are no fun.
I used to have a headaches, just like you describe, nothing cured it except it was slightly better at weekends.

Once I retired...no more headaches. Its most unusual for me if I do get one.

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I do use sweeteners but yep, tried cutting them out with no difference. The doctor has also changed my pill as the other are not suitable for me so now I just get periods every two weeks. Lol

That's good then cupotee, just another 30 odd years and I'll be pain free. Can't wait! ;)
Every two weeks! :( I have PCOS and was having an awful build up to mine, really bad PMT and pain for up to a couple of weeks beforehand, then with the thing itself it wasn't even long until it all started up again. Got too much so I went on to the implant and have nothing with it save a few TOTM type symptoms some months, no bleed at all anyway.

Hope you find the answer to your headaches. I think I'm sensitive to them as tend to get headaches from various things like some meds, sweeteners etc... Touch wood though I've not had the more crippling ones I used to get (different from migraines) for some time now and don't have migraines anywhere near as often, though I have a much less demanding job now so maybe something in stress causing them.
I can't help, Evian but it's nice to see you posting again.

I hope you get some relief.
Can only say what happened for me. I know you have stated that your migraines have stopped but will post this in case it helps with headaches. I had migraine and head aches for many years. About 20 years ago I had about ten sessions of reflexology. I have never had another migraine and only occasional headaches. Just my suggestion.

I'll post this in case it helps:

It might be worth getting your spinal column checked out though. My friend had a series of undiagnosed headaches until a doctor ran his fingers down my friend's back and asked "When did you break your neck?" (An X-ray then proved that my friend had broken a bone in his neck in a fall several years earlier. The problem was rectified with surgery and my friend's headaches were then a thing of the past).
I've been on a low dose of atenolol, a beta blocker, 25mg, one a day, for a few years now and it's been a godsend. I'm a lot older than you and I was already on bp medication. I'd reached the point of having migraines/bad headaches as many days of the month as not. I still have the occasional one, usually caused by the weather or lack of sleep, but they don't last for up to three days as they used to and aren't as severe. Good luck, I hope you find something that helps.

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