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To continue: Bout 2 years ago I became very stressed and was sent for cognitive behaviour therapy. It helped, but it has returned big style. I try to do lots of things, but often can't remember what I was about to do. My brain has already gone on to the next thing. I'm I'm in my middle 60s now and I know that that is par for the course. I have coped really well, but some problems at home have ratcheted up my stress levels. I never seem to get as much done as I should. I don't think it is the onset if dementia because normally I'm just average. It is just as stress gets worse. I have had all my quota of NHS CBT. Can anyone suggest some way to deal with it? It is getting me down and I worry I'll do something irreversible. I am driving again and I have been fine. I had a bit of treatment to my eye and I've been given the all clear to drive. If anything I'm safer as I take zero risk. I jettison this to suggest it's not a persistent problem, but just comes on.
Any suggestions welcomed, particularly from those who may have experienced similar symptoms.