I have written several children's books/stories, age range 5-8 years and some of those sent have been rejected by commercial publishers.
So, I would like to self-publish by putting the stories onto Kindle, but I have been told that they would need to have illustrations. I can no longer do illustrations (for obvious reasons for those who know of me), so I wondered if anyone out there in AB land would like to or wish to collaborate by illustrating my stories and we could work out a working "contract". I can't afford a professional illustrator, but if anyone wants to have a go or knows of anyone who would or could help, then let me know and we'll take it from there.
How's that sound? Ta Muchly.
Hi elf... I've sent this to my Daughter. She's in her final year doing Illustration at Edinburgh. I'll let you know when she gets back to me. Good luck with the project x
Hi Mamya, Many Thanks for all your help and Mazie has contacted me and Wow!...the ball is rolling...I think I'll dedicate one of my stories to you - and to Mazie of course! Thank You Both Very Much.