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For The Attention Of Erin X

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jennyjoan | 23:40 Thu 27th Oct 2016 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
You may not go about my saga of my terrible teeth.

Ie - 4 front teeth set on cobalt/titanium but after a year I can't come to terms with the small plate. I seem to sucking on them resulting on ulcers on the upper part of my mouth and elsewhere.

I see you went for Maryland Bridge and this is where I was yesterday discussing it. I hope to go for it next week but it is only preparation but the wee dentist didn't sort take it that I was a very nervous patient. There is no sedation of which I was disappointed. I am so very nervous.

But Erin - was it ok. Thanks for any answers. I do want do get this rid of the plate but don't know whether my nerves will carry me through. Thanks again.


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sorry ^^^^^ know
Ask your dentist for sedation. He should be told about your nerves.
A friend of mine has to be almost conked out before she will get in the dentist's chair.
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cloverjo - the practice does do sedation and he was emphatic
He was emphatic that he wouldn't give you sedation? Even though he knows you're nervous? Go to a different dentist, or ask your GP for Valium and get someone to take you to dentist on the day.
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Really do think most dentists do not know the terrible fear of a patient particularly as myself.

Last year another dentist (a private one) knocked me out - she couldn't get a vein in one arm - tried another arm and then on my foot and she popped Valium 10 all to get the sedation in. So I am bad. I'd love to get the nerves to go really for to get rid of the stinking plate. That I have paid £1,000s for. This is only £600. But if I were to come through it it would be so worth it.
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I am thinking of taking the valium myself and bring a friend - also I have found some strong mouthrinse - you knows nearly numbs the whole mouth and of course other jels. But I would be afraid of dentist being displeased if I did this.

No Clover - this is my 4th dentist in two weeks. I have just had to pay for the consultation. which has been a bob or two. but I don't care. and I can't tell any of my friends or sista - as they would be cracking up over the money £1,000s I have already spent. sorry for the longwinded post
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sorry sorry jo - looked over the posts there - no no no - the practices DOESN'T DO SEDATION
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with this maryland bridge - they cement the 4 missing front teeth and "lap" silver wings around say the eye teeth - avoiding the plate entirely.
I do feel for you, jennyjoan. No one likes going to the dentist, but I see how much dental-phobia affects people like you and my friend. It must be horrible. My friend pays hundreds of pounds for sedation as she just can't do it without it.
I hope you do whatever you can to get your teeth sorted.
I used to be like that so I sympathise, couldn't even have a filling without a GA. The maybe good news is that I got over it. I wish I could tell you exactly how but I don't really know. I think I just decided that all the hassle was within me so I was going to tell myself I wasn't bothered by it, and see how it turned out. I had a bad back at the time so I just concentrated on the discomfort that was giving me, and ignored the needles and drills. Anyway, it worked. Since then I've had implants, and even a couple of root-canal treatments where the anaesthetic didn't work - that was definitely unpleasant and yet I still survived.

Maybe you'll be the same some day. The only advice I can give is that things generally aren't as bad as our worst fears. Good luck.
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thanks jno -
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It would be nice to hear even tomorrow from Erin X and of J9Pur.

I am wondering should I research even further and see if I can get the Maryland bridge with a dentist who does sedation. But to be honest wouldn't know where to start and also find out if he is a good dentist. I like this guy but again young and all he was said "no sedation here" - here's me - a wee bit of gas" here's him "as I said no sedation" so there ya go.
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Can I say I have been through about 3 or 4 car crashes and walked away.

Fell downstairs over the years and broke my shoulders 3 times and broke my ankle - could go on - cast on and just go on with it (altho still in pain) but I have had many accidents - and just shrugged it off and got on. But when somebody puts their hand in my mouth I just fall apart.

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