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Expected Time-Frame?

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jackthehat | 14:47 Fri 09th Dec 2016 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
My Mum tripped 4 and a half weeks ago and sustained a nasty spiral fracture to her left humerus.
Since then she has been in a brace fitted by the Orthotics department of the local hospital. She has been seen in the hospital and at home by the same chap when she has had to have the brace tightened/repositioned.
She had to see him this morning, as a matter of urgency, because everything seemed to have worked loose, again.

He has told her that he believe the bone is not healing properly and that she will need the operation (which she was dreading) to pin it.
She is due back at the hospital on 14th for x-rays to see what improvement there is.
If the consensus is that she *does* require surgery, nothwithstanding the waiting list time, how soon could she be in?
Would it be decided that she could be put off for a few weeks (post-Christmas, etc) or would they want her in pdq to start the 'proper' healing process off asap?

Thank you.


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Christmas or no Christmas, I would want it doing as soon as possible and i am sure that that would be the opinion of the orthopedic surgeon.
leave it too long and the blood supply may well be impaired leading to delayed healing and possibly, non healing.
I am not an orthopaedic surgeon....just my opinion.
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Thank you.
That was my worry.
Dad is having his hip replaced on 19th December.
I wonder if the Vic offer double hospital rooms?
from my experience at the rehab end, if pinning is needed, you get on and do it!
Question Author
Thanks, woof.
That's rather what I thought,
I'd have preferred it to have been left until Wednesday before the operation was mentioned.....but it's too late now.

Right then.....I'd better come up with Plan B for Christmas then! :o)
looks like you'll temporarily be the senior member of the family? That puts you in charge of sprouts.
Sorry to hear that jth, you will have your hands full. Speedy recovery to both your parents.

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