erm should anyone be wondering
surgeons do NOT now send for a screw driver from the engineering department as sterility cannot be guaranteed !
sister suzies ( the small sterilizing unit round the bac of a theatre) have all gone and it is done centrally - wiv quality control. (which is why I thought all my stuff had been marked)
Sqad is referring to the good old days of Sir Lancelot Spratt, ether smell, matrons, junior doctor pranks ( nowadays you can t find any) and lancing anything and everything wiv whatever comes to hand
Mind you talking about patient experience ......
A fren' of mine had such a long canine tooth that he was sent to the local dog hospital to drill it ( canine geddit ) .
and He insists it was the local horse hospital - the burrs are much longer for horse teeth, so when he was in the waiting room wiv the other horses waiting for treatment and they called Mr Smith - did he say 'Nay !' yeah anyway like this one it makes a good story
hsa anyone said yet of this - this story is a bit screwy ?