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thelewisgang | 20:32 Sat 01st Jul 2017 | Body & Soul
13 Answers
some of you might remember in April I was having steroid injections in the base of my spine. I was nervous about having these done simply because I had some years ago, a steroid injection in my thigh to help relieve pain of a bursa. The injection was agony & I went on some months later to have the bursa surgically removed.
Anyway, this time it was a completely different story. The doctor used CT guided scan images & it was completely pain free. This was to treat arthritis in the L5 S1 region.
I was pain free for just over three weeks but it started to creep back & now it is virtually the same before the injections.
When I saw the consultant a couple of weeks ago, she said the next step would be a procedure called Denervation & believe this involves snipping or burning the nerves so the pain signals no longer go to the brain.
I am seeing another consultant later this week to discuss it with him. What I would like to know is if this is successful, would it last or would the nerve(s) regrow (if that is the right word).
SQAD, you might remember I also mentioned after the had the steroid injections, in April this year, my sense of smell & taste returned & I remember you saying "it won't last". Well, it has! Almost 3 months on & I still have 100% & it is lovely to be able to smell & taste food for the first time in many years!


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Sorry for you. I'll be watching this post because I have an imminent visit to a neurosurgeon re pain and problems L5 area. I didn't have any pain with a steroid injection some years ago. Poor you - but at least you can smell and taste! :)
Lewis.....just one of those times that I was glad to be smell and taste.;-)
In the process of denervation of the lumbar spinal nerves, the nerves arr not "snipped" they are destroyed by either cautery or radio ablation (neither methods are painful). The nerves will grow back after a varying period of time....usually 12-18 months.
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Thanks Squad for your good answer, as always!
I only used the term snipping/burning of nerves as this is the words the consultant used. I am seeing the man this Thursday who performed the steroid injections & this is to discuss with him the benefits of having the denervation. I am wondering if the pain I'm experiencing (for the last few weeks) under the heel of my right foot is connected with this arthritis problem or maybe just a coincidence? Jourdain I do hope your imminent appointment goes well with the neurosurgeon
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Sqad even! My phone auto corrected!!
Good morning is extremely unlikely that you heel pain has anything to do with your lumbar spine problem.
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ok. Thanks for your quick reply Sqad. Think this is called plants (something or other) & quite painful under my right heel. I do have & been using some orthotics which do help to some extent. I do a fair amount of walking & I'm very active for my 70 years of age but it is problematic
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Plantis even!!
Plantar fasciitis.
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Knew you'd put me right Sqad. Is this something that can be treated or would it just get better in time? Don't want to bother my doc but maybe I should?
Qite a difficult condition to treat Lewis.
Ibuprofen,voltarol tablets to relieve the pain.......with a bit of luck.
If this fails, then a cortisone injection into the heel.......sometimes works
BUT do nothing and it will go away as mysteriously as it came.....problem is, it make take 8 months.
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Appreciate your help Sqad. I can't take Nsaids unfortunately & take co-codamol for my spine pain. Hopefully it will go soon, fingers crossed
I developed plantar fasciitis in my left foot last year and can confirm that there is not much to be done about it except painkillers, rest and exercises (picking up a towel with your toes for instance). It went, eventually, but I am aware of it lurking and if I feel a twinge I go back to exercises and rest. So, annoying but liveable-with. :)
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Thank you for that tip jourdain. I'll try that later. It is indeed quite painful & just hope it improves soon. Good luck to you

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