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The Km Links Game - July Week 5 And Final Results

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seekeerz | 02:07 Mon 31st Jul 2017 | Quizzes & Puzzles
10 Answers
Good morning everyone - well the storm has abated and there's almost some sunshine so the new week's not looking too bad ....and we are both beginning to put our colds behind us, though Mr s keeps asking why his hasn't gone yet ...never satisfied, are they. !!

The links played reasonably fair with us, just that most of us picked the wrong answers -

Blue Cheese
Green Finch
Sleep Walk
Duck Weed

And the STAR TURNS came from IMINOZ, LYSANDER, MODESTE & ROCKFORDILL who all picked 6 points each for their three correct matches .....I'm beginning to think someone is loaning out her crystal ball to the guys !!

As I suspected there were way too many possibles and a lot didn't manage to increase their score (including yours truly) but all in all, a good result to a long month ....not sure these are a bonus, do we become a bit blase and think there's always next week ??

However there is next week, and a new month too, so all hands on deck for the first round of that and may we all score lots of points addition, we may start to see some of the holidaymakers returning to bolster the numbers ....yes please.!!

And now to the all important LEADER BOARD ....................


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The LEADER BOARD .......

17 points - lysander

16 points - rockfordill

13 points - iminoz

10 points - cliffyg, jillywiskas & Sam1960

9 points - cpfcrosie & tonyav

8 points - Aquagility, Mr Wiskas, modeste & murraymints

7 points - cupid04, Dickiedot, Fibonacci, Muzz, owllady, stob & teacher1.

6 points - albaqwerty, Chiefpanda, Elspeth, seekeerz & x-ray

5 points - dannyk13, devadiva, Gill G, jollyroger66, Rose Maybud, tamborine, & tearinghair.

4 points - Arksided, baza, eccles, HandBagLady, JRB, Lie-in King, MargoTester, & -SharonA-

3 points - BigMac, Butterbun, Doof45, jobjockey, kawakiri, roslyn251254, tyrepill, waterboatman & wickedtongue.

2 points - anikomo, brizzer, centrino, Mrs E, Jean G, John, mamyalynne, mallyh, masterchef, Patsy33, sadielady, Chris H, & twix123

1 point - angler51, elliemay1, Shazza H, Toorak & weecalf.

So Congratulations to everyone for their efforts this month, the FFC rooms are almost empty ...only the usual suspects remain ( plus a couple who sneaked in unobserved ) and now we look forward to a new round (omg, is it August already )
so for now, stay safe and out of the sun, Cheers, Steff
Thanks once again Steff. Another week
with no points for me - hey ho let's hope for a better August. Congratulations to all the point scorers.
ta seek xx 8 points ..not bad...
Thanks for all the hard work, Skz
Many thanks, Seekeerz. Always happy to share the vibes with the gentlemen. Regards Lysander
Thank you Seekz, for all your hard work.

Many congratulations to Lysander

(I might just crib Minty next month :-D )
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Many thanks Steff, as ever. And I'm glad your Girl-flu is on the mend. Aq.
Thanks as always Steff.
I think I only scored 4 points, although you have credited me with 6 - not that it makes any difference - I don't seem to be doing so well these days, but I still enjoy trying to compete.
Congratulations to the winners, especially Lysander - how does she do it ?
My lowest score ever!

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The Km Links Game - July Week 5 And Final Results

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