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Why So Little Respect For People Here

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Peakwalker | 18:42 Tue 22nd Aug 2017 | ChatterBank
86 Answers
Had the misfortune of trying to take part here today!
I've been bullied all my life over poor spelling, but thought I may be given a chance here.
It being an adult site, but of cause some people's main reason for being here is to belittle and make fun of people. To impress there friends!
I know I've always lacked a good education, in front of people like (Islay) and (new judge).
With there superior education?
And as I've had serious depression, most of my life, I know there's no escape for me.
I'm gone
PS please feel free to check out spellings and grammer



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Um, ok.
No idea if you were potentially a proper ABer or a troll ... but it is a fact that many users can ignore their friends crap spelling and grammar but will point it out the bad spelling & grammar of others.
Give the site more time, don't worry about spelling, I don't . :-)
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Um, ok.
and that just about sums it up
Stay here a bit longer and get known and then post this. You'd get bags of support and sympathy from many. There's plenty of regulars whose spelling and grammar is not that brilliant.

Respect has to be earned imo.
I don't understand why some have to fish for sympathy. So someone pointed out something. It happens. It's life.
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Respect has to be earned imo.
Oi Prudie ... Leaf me out of this
It's very rare I comment on spelling, I may make a joke if it's with a poster I know.

Sorry you feel you must leave.
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Um, ok.
Stay with it, Peaky. You might get to like it. There are some lovely people on here. You just have to be judicious about those you respond to.
You will have to be less sensitive on this site. On the whole their not a bad lot. Though some on the whole would look good in a hole....only joking...toughen up...
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there are some very lovely people.
There are always buts...
Your punctuation is A+
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I don't understand why some have to fish for sympathy.
where have I asked for your sympathy
"With their superior education". In some cases but not all. Some people are very good at coming across as if they know what they are talking about but that doesn't mean they do. The internet allows them to do that. Don't worry about it.
cuddles has a good fishing joke going - why miss out on that?
It's blatantly clear this whole thread is fishing for sympathy for hurt feelings.

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