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Can A Man Be Just Friends With An Extremely Attractive Woman Or Vice Versa?

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dave50 | 14:24 Fri 25th Aug 2017 | Body & Soul
30 Answers
I think not, sex and lust will always come to the surface eventually, it's human nature. What do others think? Would you feel comfortable if your other half had a close friend of the opposite sex who was considered very attractive?


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Moot. Surely it's always the case that if you meet one that's as much as she wants/allows ?

My woman can be friends with whomever she wishes.
It is def possible to just have a platonic relationship.
I've known "Miss D" since we were both in our early teens.
We've grown up together, but never "been together", even though I do find her quite attractive.
She recently had a relationship with one of our old friends that we used to hang round with and before the relationship, they were quite close. However, the relationship went pear shaped and things will never be like they were before.
Even if I was single, I wouldn't want to cross that line, as I'd hate to risk losing our friendship as it is now, as we are quite close .... I'd probably class her as one of my best friends.
So in a nutshell I'd say yes it is possible to have a platonic relationship - for the right 2 people :)
Some of us have male/female friends from a very young age. Most of my male friends are school friends.
Ive had attractive female friends, never occurred to me to make a move or to show any sexual interest. not all men are looking for sex with every attractive woman they meet or become friends with!!!!
Ratter......depends upon one's definition of "men" and depends what you mean by friends.
If she is attractive and if you are a "man" and if you think you have a chance........then make your move.
I have female acquaintances, but none that i would call a friend.
If i make my move and she responds, she becomes a friend, a very good friend, but if she doesn't respond then she is relegated to the bench (acquaintance).........I would never describe her as a friend, platonic or otherwise.
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Sqad - // Ratter......depends upon one's definition of "men" and depends what you mean by friends.
If she is attractive and if you are a "man" and if you think you have a chance........then make your move.
I have female acquaintances, but none that i would call a friend.
If i make my move and she responds, she becomes a friend, a very good friend, but if she doesn't respond then she is relegated to the bench (acquaintance).........I would never describe her as a friend, platonic or otherwise. Ratter......depends upon one's definition of "men" and depends what you mean by friends.
If she is attractive and if you are a "man" and if you think you have a chance........then make your move.
I have female acquaintances, but none that i would call a friend.
If i make my move and she responds, she becomes a friend, a very good friend, but if she doesn't respond then she is relegated to the bench (acquaintance).........I would never describe her as a friend, platonic or otherwise. //

'Relegated to the bench ...' - you charmer you!

If you divide the women of your acquaintances into such categories - potential / done the business / off the list - as you appear to, that makes you a chauvinist of the first order.

You must lead a sad narrow life without the rich experiences of friends of the opposite sex, because in your mind they are simply potential conquests, or disregarded because they won't come across.

I fully expect that you will deny my assessment - we all think our lives are fine, otherwise we would change them - but equally, I expect more support for my assessment of you, than your own.
I agree, Andy, he displays his chauvinistic qualities on a daily basis.
My (male) partner and I are both bi-sexual and both have very attractive friends of both sexes who are just platonic, so yes perfectly possible if you wish it to be.
considered by whom to be very attractive Dave?
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder surely?

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