When I use my computer mouse for any time I start to get a slight ache in my right shoulder and a tingling sensation in my upper arm. Could this be caused by wear and tear of the discs in my neck?
I'm now trying to operate the mouse with my left hand. That takes some practise.
Look at how you are sitting, what chair you are using, the height (off the ground) of the surface your mouse is using, that you are not "stretching" to use the mouse and so on.
All these things can cause aches and pains.
Try to get a proper "office" chair, sit upright in the chair (don't slouch), make sure the position you are using your mouse is comfortable.
Make sure you take regular breaks from using the computer.
Try this: keep your mouse at the very edge of the desk so that your wrist does not touch the desk surface. Only the sides of your palm should touch the surface. It may take a while to get used to this, but it does make a huge difference. It helped me avoid an operation for carpal tunnel, which was beginning to keep me awake at night with the pain.