In his speech to the Labour Party conference on Monday John McDonnell again referred to the issue of nurses on foodbanks.
He said, to great applause:
" In the election campaign Theresa May was asked why nurses were being forced to resort to foodbanks and she replied that the issue was complex. It isn’t complex. It’s simple. They just aren’t being paid enough. That’s why we insist the pay cap is scrapped once and for all and not just for some, but for everybody. And we demand decent wages for all workers. Britain deserves a pay rise. It’s why we will introduce a real living wage of £10 an hour. "
Why does this story of nurses and foodbanks keep coming up when McDonnell knows it's nonsense. There was one case of a part time nurse in the Question Time audience once with particular issues but I have never seen another example. Certainly a £10 minimum wage wouldn't help nurses as they must already receive quite a bit more than that. I suppose if you say something enough times you can convice yourself and others it's true
You have to get referred by a designated body such as the job centre, council or benefits office etc.
Working people have little recourse to food banks at the best of times but a full time nurse earns a hell of a lot more than me and I've got diddlies chance of referral.
Another Labour 'truth' that leaves a lot to be desired.