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Islay | 17:13 Sun 01st Oct 2017 | Body & Soul
23 Answers
My MIL is 80 and is still on hrt, she had a hysterectomy 40 years ago! Should she still be on them? Her consultant has questioned this and told her to cut down but she says if she doesn't take them she has horrible night sweats wetting the bed with sweat!
Her gp appears happy to let her stay on them but it doesn't seem right!


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I cannot think of any underlying disease process that would be an contraindication for taking HRT at that age. I would continue.
17:30 Sun 01st Oct 2017
I use red clover tablets for hot flushes. If I don't take them I suffer terribly and I'm nearly 75.
Islay I had similar problems with my Mum (not about HRT) and it is scarey but its her choice.
it's natural to worry about older relatives, but unless she's showing signs of not being in full control, I'd let her make her own decisions. You'll be grateful for the opportunity to do the same when you get to her age.

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