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sophie_1003 | 11:59 Tue 25th Oct 2005 | Body & Soul
5 Answers
Can anyone who had to make drastic changes to their diets to prevent thrush, tell me what they ate as alternatives, all the things that are meant to be ruled out seem like all the foods in the world! Also, how long does the diet have to stay changed for, am I destined never to eat bread again?


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Poor you, its really a nuisance isn't it. The thing that really helped me is that I went sugar free....not just sugar in tea and coffee but processed foods too and I tightly limited my intake of fruit. I did this for 4 weeks, at the same time hiking my water intake and limiting carbohydrate. This sorted me out really well and I didn't (and haven't) had to do anything more drastic

I have been troubled with Thrush for the past 20 years. it seems to be just before my period and just after. I also found that if bathing dont put any bath stuff in at all and also dont wash until you are ready to get out. Showering does not help me at all,I always get a bout on my holidays when there is only a shower.

I tried drinking yakult or any probiotic drink, you can also get a tablet from the health shop called acidophilus which may help you.

Hope you find something to ease, cause i know its a complete pain.

My friend suffers terribly. She went sugar free too, she eats alot of the stuff that is labeled suitable for diabetics. She reads ingredients list to check for added sugar and she really does eat very little sugar. She also eats lots of probiotic foods; yakult as suggested, yoghurt etc.

I've heard lots of good thinks about cheekythings suggestion of acidophilus. I used to have to have penicillin alot and I was always struck after a course, the times I took acidophuls after the course had finished, I was never bothered, The times I forgot, I remembered why I shouldn't. (don't need penicillion anymore, i developed an allergy to it....weird)

Try these things and also try not to use perfumed toiletries or wear tight fitting underwear or tights/jeans etc.

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I've heard bout that acidophilus, but it's quite expensive, also it's difficult for me to check everything as I'm only 18 so still live at home so would have to get my parents to check everything when they went shopping.
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Thanks anyway by the way, got a gynaecologist appointment soon so will have a word then!

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