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Happy Birthday Barsel

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murraymints | 05:44 Sun 05th Nov 2017 | ChatterBank
22 Answers

Many happy returns Barsel xx


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Have a grand day Barsel. :o}
Happy Birthday Barsel have a great day.
Happy Birthday, Barsel....hope you have a lovely day..time for AB cake too
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hope your day is full of loveliness xx
I knew this date was familiar. Happy Birthday, Barsel
Have a lovely birthday barsel!!!!
Happy Birthday Barsel, hope that you have a good one.
Hope you have a brilliant day.
Thanks everyone, you're very kind. Looking forward to spending the day with my girls, my grandgirls, and my grandson.Wish I had a real cake like that
Have a lovely birthday, Barsel......x
Happy Birthday Barsel! xx
Thank you gness and Patsy.xx
Happy birthday Barsel, enjoy your day.
Happy Birthday, Barsel.
Missed this post due to the time but have already wished you Happy Birthday on another thread Barsel. ♥
Thank you marvel, tony Mamya, hereiam and Lie-in-king, hope I haven't missed anyone.Day was as expected, lots of food, too much cake and chocolate and my family who have now all gone off to watch the bonfire displays, leaving me to be another year older.Boo hoo. xx
Awww, pour yourself a drink then Barsel.
Cheers tony. x
cheers Barsel, what's your poison? I have a bottle of Highland Park waiting here for an excuse.....
///waiting here for an excuse...../// You can drink to my good health DTC :-) x

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Happy Birthday Barsel

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