// So what I can I do? //
do a course in Bot I think
the first yellow page of your link has awful chemicals that may kill you and they are all plant names - er - natural that is - natural plants I mean. makes you fink dunnit?
so if they are plant and cause a dermatitis - it is a phytodermatitis
and if the plant will only cause a dermatitis - AFTER exposure to light then it is a phyto photo dermatitis
and it is here!
and look it has three of the chemicals in the list - lime and berlocque are pretty well known to be honest- psilocin I think o god who cares about a name
lemon - I dont think does - it is meant to bleach your hair so long as you are fairish to start.
some of the cucurbitae cause a light sensitive rash - I blistered after a wildish marrow trifid plant touched me - is it Hogweed or Stinkweed? that does it plus plus - but others do it [er plus minus]
I mean dont agonise about this sort of thing
go and read a book !
and your new word - fighter-foter-dermatitis
sunscreen - anything with factor 50 in the title
which means it has to contain Titanium