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Am I Going Potty?

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ladybirder | 13:18 Thu 14th Dec 2017 | ChatterBank
63 Answers
Twice recently I have unknowingly put a different style earring in each ear. Both are pearl but vastly different lengths and shapes. Nobody I met pointed it out to me and I didn't notice until I stood before my dressing table to take them out at bedtime. Even sitting having a coffee with other dog walkers nobody mentioned it. Am I alone in doing daft things like this?


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Not paper trailing, but a stocking (and I have no idea how this happened). I once had to drive to Manchester from Suffolk for a case. It was the middle of winter and I left at stupid o clock. I stopped at some services on the motorway. Now normally I would wear a skirt, but on this occasion I had worn trousers. As I walked into the foyer, I became conscious of some...
16:05 Thu 14th Dec 2017
are you alone?
oh yes, definitely.

I've never gone out wearing odd socks or odd shoes, sometimes both at once.
No, you wouldn't believe the number of times I've gone out wearing odd socks.
no, i find that i have to remind myself to put coffee granules in the cup, if i want a coffee, times i have ended up with just hot water and sugar..
Could be that your friends thought that it was a new fashion trend,
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Oh come on now. Socks and shoes aren't the same as earrings right next to your face are they?
I'm an odd-bod, I don't really notice ear-rings (sorry) but I do notice shoes
(apart from my own obviously :-D )
Well , perhaps people just thought you were being different
My theory is you are not going potty, you are already potty, just most of the time you manage to hide it well and get away with it.

I say this as someone who will find her car keys in the fridge; or put the oven on, set the timer and forget to put the food in; or will miss out an essential ingredient from a recipe. So going beyond the confines of my house is usually a little challenging.

It is because we have too many important things going on in our heads.
I've worn my t shirt inside out. I like to show off the label...
I went out with my Mum when in my early twenties. I was wearing odd socks, one red the other yellow, but as I was wearing boots what did it matter? Unfortunately we wound up in a shoe shop and I wanted to try on a pair of shoes, my Mother was horrified when I removed my boots to reveal my very obviously odd socks. She went on and on about the shame I had brought upon her for the rest of the day :-(

My husband has been known to make himself a latte and forget to put the coffee in.
Are you going potty?
Does it matter?
Not at all we love you anyways!!
Odd earrings is a 'thing' now. You can actually buy a pair of odd earrings. Everyone might have thought you were very trendy. Also odd shoes. A famous actress - can't remember who - wore (deliberately) odd shoes to a red carpet event.
I left my car in the supermarket car park forgetting I'd driven. I've also done it the other way, walked to the supermarket and then thought my car had been stolen.

That's a bit worrying - don't you think ? :-)
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Oh me too ummmm. Friend and I parked up next to each other in a multi storey and went for a meal. Couldn't find them and thought it was amazing they had both been stolen together;-))
Of course we were on the wrong floor doh!
My wife has worn odd earrings for as long as I have known her. She started because she had lost so many single earrings that she had many mismatched ones.
She tends to wear a stud in one ear and a 'dangler' in the other.
Ummm, I've done that too.

The best one was one night I was leaving the office, I was absolutely laden with cases. I struggled all the way to the car park with these bags, not entirely sure whether I would make it. Got there. No car. At this point I remembered I had parked in the work car park because I would have a lot to carry.
it's a thing these days, ladybirder
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Thanks everyone. Good to know I'm not the only batty one.
hc If your wife wants an earring copied (which she probably doesn't), but if she does, these people will do it for you very reasonably. It depends on how costly any stones are of course but I sometimes design my own and get them made here.

Well Brighton is quite trendy Jo so perhaps. That had crossed my mind.
Islay no it doesn't matter that much at the moment but who knows where it might lead? I'd hate to put the dog in the fridge!
BM I think you've got it - I've more important things to think about. Or my brain's gone lazy as I don't use it enough:-(
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That's an interesting link Jno. Mismatched in some cases and yet a pair. Clever.

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