Have had a chest infection for eight days now.
Doctor says no to antibiotics. Pharmacist has recommended some things which are helping, decongestant etc, but the problem persists.
I’m coughing up huge amounts of discoloured phlegm, it’s exhausting and never ending. I am no different than I was on day one.
I have no appetite but drinking loads of water.
How long can this possibly go on? I don’t think I can go on much longer.
If you have tried without antibiotics for over a week and there is no improvement at all, it might be worth going back to see what they say now. How long ago did you see the GP?
When I have a chest infection I fill the sink with boiling water, add a scoop of vicks vapour rub, Epsom salts, dettol then cover my head with a towel and inhale the fumes several times a day and it works a treat
Try rubbing vicks on the soles of your feet then putting on a pair of socks - do this as your ready to go to bed it will help with your breathing and clear some of the crap from your chest
Your Dr is correct......it is certainly viral, which will not be cured by antibiotics and may last for 3-4 weeks.
The fact that you can cough up the phlegm is a plus.
Thanks everyone for your suggestions. You seem to have nailed it Squad, but I don’t feel any further on.
(I only spoke to the doctor on the phone yesterday, but I said I was welcome to make an appointment. I don’t see the point.)
What I want to know, is there a cure or do I just have to wait till it goes away of its own account?
Chest infections can sadly last a few weeks but you should notice gradual improvement after a fortnight.
Paracetamol 1gm qds is something I would recommend to help keep your temperature down and loosen any gunk - I've also found this beneficial when I've had a bad wheeze and no Salbutamol to hand.
As Sqad says, Vicks on the feet is total carp. I've tried it, to no avail.