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Pain And Bleeding

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nailit | 22:13 Wed 10th Jan 2018 | Body & Soul
58 Answers
I have a dull aching pain in my lower right abdomen which comes and goes. (for the past few days)Today I passed a lot of dark red blood on the toilet. Not too concerned, as ive passed blood before and it turned out to be piles (which were cauterized) and also posted about a similar pain in lower right abdomen about a year ago which turned out to be nothing. But the two thing happening again together is a bit worrying. If it keeps happening will get in to see my GP but don't want to waste their time or mine at the mo. Any ideas/advice?
No other symptoms, not nauseaus, sweating or anything. Have had unusual bowl movements tho, yesterday I was constipated, today I havnt been off the toilet (been 6 times up until now)


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BTW (in reply to Chris) Ive had 2 family members whove had bowel cancer, my grandad...who died from it...and an uncle who recovered from it. Both on my mothers side.
keep phoning Nails, keep phoning xx

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I will Alba, thanks. If cant get through might have to visit walk in centre, the dull ache is quite nagging now.
Some time ago. I challenged you to the fact that you hadn't got what it takes to turn your life around.
You have proved me wrong......well done.

The doc will have to rule out appendicitis ;-)
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Squad, if it was appendicitis wouldn't I have a fever and nausea as well? This is why I said that I wasn't concerned about anything serious. (btw, still cant get through to my bloody surgery...)
IF it was appendicitis you may feel nauseous, but not necessarily feverish.
You will probably find that the bleeding and the pain are unrelated.
keep on trying, you should go there if need be.
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Ok, cheers Sqad.
emmie, yes I probably will end up doing that. Trying to get an appointment by phone is just getting ridiculous now with my surgery.
Dark red blood would worry me. Blood from piles is bright red. Hope you're ok nailit ...
update nailit ?
Nailit, as the pain is right-sided rather than left-sided, it's probably not a sinister cause but nevertheless it could bevan atypical presentation and you still need examination by your GP, followed by urgent referral to the Rapid Access Colorectal Clinic for investigations to exclude a malignant process.

Let the experts diagnose your condition!
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Thanks for replies. Couldn't get in the doctors today. By the time I got through, all the appointments had gone. Will walk down to the surgery first thing in the morning to be sure of getting an appointment.
mind you do now !!x
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What you LOLing at Eccles? Find this funny do you?
nailit.....thanks for the update........tomorrow will be fine.
Nailit, don't drag yourself down to her level. She's not worth it.
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Youre right Nom...
nailit/nom you have mail
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ok minty :-)

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