You dont want the constitution because you are short of loo paper do you ?
Formulate your question and then write to the chmn of the ctee. - nice letter in civil service style - dear sir etc
like "is it a function fo a committee member to ..."
There is now a huge amount of guff on charities
since I was running one
and no one ever asked for our articles of association
which I would cheerfully have run off a photocopier
Start at the URL I have given you
and if at the end - you still have stomach for this fight
I would write off to the charity commission for whatever public copies of records they hold and are allowed to give you. The docs which are public will be on the site somewhere and there will be a charge.
I would have thought the articles of association after 25 y might be one....( also called memorandum ) which is public
but that is not really the q is it?
you want them to do something they dont wanna do ?
Literally the only time I was asked for articles ( actually the will under which the charity was endowed) -
was when someone thought if he applied for £X he had to be granted it if HE said it was for the charitable purposes for which the settlement had been set up. That is, he had a right to the money if he said so.
[He dropped out of the course and I said "if we had given you the money for that we sould have demanded it back." It did concentrate his mind on applying for other peoples money for the future]