My husband's pulse rate was only 45 bpm when he went to Doctor's this morning. They've known it to be low last few weeks but don't seem overly concerned. A couple of weeks ago it was 48 nom. Doctor did mention he'll probably have to have pace maker eventually. He is quite fit generally and still referees football!. His blood pressure is fine. It just worries me... Any reassurance??
I am no medic, but you say he is fit and referees, which probably means a lot of running around. My husband (late 60,s) has always been a runner and his pulse rate rarely goes above high 40's. GP advises that there is nothing to worry about, it is the amount of exercise he does that keeps it low. Oddly enough his blood pressure is extremely high.
I think your doctor has the matter in hand
if it worries you - 12 lead ECG and a cardiological consult
he fulfils the criteria for assessment in the Devon Bradycardia Project - pulse below 50 - but that is so old that there is no internet footprint at all
have a good read
I note the rate for implantation in Devon 910 is twice that for London 410 - and hey that cd be b/c of the bradycardia project memory that they ran 50 y ago !
or not
At the big deal, particularly if he is symptom free, which he is from your description of his lifestyle.
However, if he develops chest discomfort, tiredness, weight increase, then he will need this low pulse rate investigating and depending upon the results, treatment which might or might not include pacemaker.
Thank you Peter for that information
Thank you sqad. He does get tired a lot more especially in evenings. Apart from that nonchest pains or other symptoms. He had a heart valve repaired about 12 years ago. It was a great success he was told.
Patsy...well if he had a valve repaired then presumably he is being followed up by the Cardiac dept and the serial ECG's are there to behold.
The tiredness may be a concern and one would wonder if his thyroid was producing enough hormone, but he would have had blood tests to exclude this.
Yes he has had lots of follow ups over the years sqad. He was told a few years ago they would no longer make appointments for him unless he was concerned over anything. His doctor did say a few weeks ago he would get in touch with hospital to arrange an
appointment. Meanwhile husband has made an appt: to see gp in 2 weeks time for reassurance. By the way, he has extra heartbeats and heart out of rhythm but its not the dangerous one doctor told him!
On a reality TV show recently they were dealing with a patient air lifted off an oil rig after a fall.
They were concerned that he had a similarly slow heartbeat, until they discovered he was super fit. Once they discovered that they said it explained it.