Bradley Walsh: Egypt’s Cosmic...
Film, Media & TV5 mins ago
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Thanks for all your's really useful. although i am independent, i hasten to add that that does not include cooking. there's an M&S food at the end of my road so i have no need to cook!!! i think the comment about 'the more you do the more people expect' is true. as women maybe we are becoming too independent... in some ways i can't help but yearn for a time when gender roles were clearly defined. it seems these days that neither men or women know their roles, and when it comes to relationships no-one seems to know who makes the moves etc. any views on this?
(Hi mullein - yes I'm here!!)
Grace did you read the chat I had with mullein a few days ago about this very subject? I've come to realise that the more you can do for yourself, the more life lets you do.
A male friend (platonic) made a comment about me not needing or wanting a new man in my life - I've been on my own quite a long time. I began to wonder whether I come over too capable because, as you say, my less capable friends have men in their lives.
I do agree that despite being able to take care of myself (as far as my health will now let me) I do prefer a traditional relationship but no cavemen thanks - not that traditional!!
Any offers to help me put some shelves up??
the more and more i think about it it is my helpless friends that are all in relationships. the only thing i'm crap at sorting out is my car... and i have to say i literally have men rally round the minute i ask for help!!
i was in a long term relationship for 5 years, but have now been single for a year. since then i have had a few male encounters, but i'm so confused as to what part i should play. should we women let men do all the chasing? is it true that if a man doesn't call you 'he's just not that into you' or is it that men now expect women to chase as well?
Grace - All I can do after all this time is just be myself & when & if I meet someone who likes me this way then I'll know that he's really for me. I have learned how to accept a compliment &, as woofgang says, to accept help when it's offered. Maybe I just need to learn how to ask for help more often!
As for who does the chasing - I'm not confident enough to just ask someone out but I do know I've missed out in the past for not allowing my feelings to be clear where a friendship could have been more.
Oh it's difficult isn't it but I tend to take each day as it arrives & one day that might include a 'someone'. 'Til then I get on with it - I've certainly never been actively 'on the pull' in my life & I don't intend to start now!!
Btw a year on your own is nothing, enjoy yourself.
There's no way i'd have the confidence to ask him out. i still think men should do the chasing!!! The last time i saw him he did ask me why i always ignored him and asked me to go and say hello whenever i see him again. And whenever i see him he's always asking me whether i have a boyfriend, which i'm taking as clues that he does quite like me. the thing is i'm so clueless when it comes to men... i never quite know what the signs are. if a guy asks you to come and say hello to him in future, is that a come on? my male friend says that women talk to men even when they are not interested in them relationship-wise; but that men only make an effort with women they like (unless they're a good friend/work collegue) what are your views on this...? if a man makes an effort to acknowledge you should you take this as a good sign?
p.s thanks so much for all the input, its really answered some questions for me and got me thinking!!!
The trouble is some men see it as an opportunity to control - they think 'ah, i can be the boss of this one'. they wan to feel superior
not all of course, but thats a risk you take if you appear helpless
I have a male friend who freely admits he loves 'victims' -girls with problems and issues - not interested in sane people- god knows why but there you are.
Trouble is would he prevent the girl from getting help and becoming well? - i don't know.
it would soon come out that you're not helpless anyway because the second the bloke started trying to be the boss - you'd turn
i'm not sure this question is about who is the boss though. in my last relationship, i was quite clearly 'the boss'. i did not want to be, i got sick of being the one in control. i had him wrapped round my little finger, so i finished with him cos i realised that i was a bitch when i was with him. when i was with him though i wasn't very independent. i use to get him to help me with everything; from shopping to driving me places to doing my laundry!! but in the year we've been apart i've learnt how to do all those things on my own (not that i couldn't before, but once someone does it for you, why do it yourself?!!) now i've got to the point where i'm so independent i never ask for help from anyone!!
interesting though that some men love the victims. i think that is so true. some people are so desperate to feel needed that they pick people who will always rely upon them.
i don't think there is any problem of this happening with me. the problem is on the surface i'm really 'together'. nice flat, car, good education, good job, attractive, great social life, etc... but underneath i'm quite vulnerable and would love to have someone special that sees past all the superficial things in my life. i'm sure men meet me and get intimidated; thinking ther'es no place for a man in my life. any views on this?