Another Update On My Brother in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Another Update On My Brother

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pastafreak | 17:19 Thu 19th Apr 2018 | Body & Soul
29 Answers

After being moved to a normal bed/room, and gradually getting well enough to soon be moved to a rehabilitation facility, he's back in ICU. He's developed another infection...I need to find out from my SIL exactly what.
Please send good thoughts...

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Update appreciated.
oh dear...hope things improve xx
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I've read that further infections are quite common.
I'm trying to be positive...but also realistic.
Strong and positive thoughts being sent Pasta, not an easy time for you all.x
((Pasta)) - my best wishes to you all x
Love and best wishes to you both xxx
I hope you get some positive news soon xx
Good thoughts coming yours and his way. My thought and prayers are with you all.
Prayers & best wishes to him pasta. I know how worrying it is for you, waiting and hoping x
Sorry to hear this Pasta,so upsetting for you, sending good wishes across the pond.
Best wishes to your brother, pasta. Hopes he improves quickly.
Good wishes coming his and your way.
Best wishes from us too
Sending my best wishes, pasta.
Positive thoughts for your brother pasta, hope you're o.k x
Thinking of you both, Pasta...Love Gx
Best wishes to your brother Pasta. I'm sure they will sort him out.x
Pasta, cyber hugs to you, it must be difficult not being near to him. xx
I'm sorry for the position you and brother are in. Prayers and positive thoughts.
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The latest is that he had no fever the next day, and the dialysis tube may be the cause/source of the infection. Aren't they supposed to be kept CLEAN For Funks Sake???

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