Evening, Nailit....want a list?... I trust my feelings...x
Mid sixties getting into a car with friends....felt a horrid feeling of doom and dark...I refused to go with them.....the car crashed and my lovely friend Smiler was killed.
1971: To see the doctor....
Me: We have been trying for a baby...I know I'm pregnant but there is something wrong.
Doctor: Don't be silly. A big fine Catholic girl like you? You'll have six babies with no trouble. Now go home.
That night I had a ruptured ectopic pregnancy.....and was given the Last Rights.....my ma in law was a stickler.... :-)
2008: Woke about 5am thinking MrG was dead or dying. Phoned the hospital and was told I was panicking and he was fine. I disagreed.
I phoned all the children, told them to come, and went to the hospital where they again said I was worrying over nothing.
Went into MrG's room.....he told me a slightly saucy joke about the sign above his bed....told me he loved me and thanked me for a wonderful thirty years...and died.
I never doubt my feelings.....x