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Annoyed, But Not A Lot . . . .

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Baldric | 19:20 Sat 21st Jul 2018 | ChatterBank
37 Answers

Went for a prebooked MRI Scan this afternoon, got there on time, was actually called in early,
then they refused to do the scan because they could not confirm what type of replacement Aortic Valve I was given in '09. Apparently one type is not MRI compatable.
I know I do not have that type but my word was not good enough. They even rang St Thomas's but being Saturday could not get the info.
'elf and safety innit guv.
The scan was to be done on my knees, now rebooked for 10 days time and I've got to provide written proof.


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I am an NHS Professional, the people we saw today were all NHS, no Contractors.
21:01 Sat 21st Jul 2018
Better that than the possibility of the magnets ripping it out of your chest, I suppose....
What a palaver! Hope it's sorted soon..
A gamble not worth taking from their point of view.
They make enough cock-ups as it is
Better to be safe than sorry
>>> "The scan was to be done on my knees"

Ruddy 'eck! I knew that hospital staff can be a bit bossy but expecting you get down and pray before they'll treat you seems to be going a bit too far ;-)
Lol ....
Better safe than sorry and all that Baldric. Point. Had you had an MRI scan done before this one since 09? Just curious you understand. I have an MRI scan annually. Dodgy knees after yomping with a loaded Bergen?
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Yeah, I can understand it, thing is I had an MRI there about 4 - 5 years back on head and neck and they couldn't confirm details of that.
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Togo, think it's down to playing HALO too often with the Paras,
If you were wrong, you wouldn't be around to explain to your grieving family about how you got it wrong.

They would have to do that - and I can't really blame them for not looking for that scenario, and answering the tall questions that would be following.
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AH see 20:32
//Togo, think it's down to playing HALO too often with the Paras, //

Haha Baldric..... You were supposed to shoot em not kick em. :))
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/// You were supposed to shoot em not kick em ///

What, The Paras ? they're on our side ;o)
Baldric - // AH see 20:32 //

I saw it.

That simply underlines that the only thing they have to advise them that you are safe in their scanning equipment is your word.

Put yourself in their position - would you take your word and nothing else?
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They must have checked it to do that scan though, I filled in the same paperwork this time as then.
I went with him, to hold his hand.
I think the main problem was being
a weekend they did not seem to have
full access to records.
A few weeks ago I was taken in for a procedure. NIL by mouth so nothing to eat or drink for 10 hours, sweltering hot ward and left to wait for 3 hours. Once I was wheeled in they realised I hadn't had blood tests done so was sent home. That really was annoying.
Last time I had an MRI, it was done by a private company that was contracted to do the work by the NHS. That is why you get an appointment at odd times such as evenings or weekends. Maybe that is why the lines of communication were not clear between the MRI company and the NHS
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This was the NHS, all wearing NHS ID's and in Margate Hospitals Medical Imaging Dept.
I am an NHS Professional, the people we
saw today were all NHS, no Contractors.

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