Is there anyone here that could comment on the following text I received from my surgery this morning?
'We would like to share your health record with other professionals involved in your care outside of the surgery by enhancing your existing Summary Care Record. If you would be happy for us to do this text **** to ***********. For more info watch '
Just to add, I am a Type2 diabetic, which I suppose would have a bearing on this request. Does anyone think of any downside to this request?
depends. If, say, a hospital could access your records if you went to A&E, that would be useful. But if they're just planning to flog them off to drugs companies for statistical purposes, no thanks.
It simply means that, say, if you end up in a diabetic coma, the ambulance crew and other health professionals who treat you will immediately be able to see that you're diabetic through looking at the records that are available to them. It makes perfect sense to me, as the video linked to in that text explains:
" with other professionals involved in your care" doesn't sound to me like it means with drugs companies. I haven't been able to watch your attached youtube link but that might give some information
I'm very sceptical of the expression "other professionals involved in your care". It sounds, to me, that it could include the people who make your drugs.
Why wouldn't my existing Summary Care Record be suffice for any NHS professional or pharmacist?
Why does it need to be 'enhanced'? As bhg481 said, 'You might well get inundated with spam/junk mail from "other professionals" offering all sorts of tests and cures'
For peace of min it is worth asking at your surgery. You could say you are minded to say no unless they can give any assurances you need. You could also ask hem to clarify the benefits from your point of view
I thought that the whole idea of putting our Health records on line was in case of being admitted to a hospital in another area it would be quick and easy for them to access our records. However I would have rung the Health Centre and asked them to explain this .
A couple of years ago I had to go and see the out of hours doctor due to some infected animal bites. They asked for permission to access my medical records. I asked if anyone refused to allow this and advised that people do say 'no' and they can't be treated properly
I would go along and ask who they want to share it with. I would guess though that the original request has come about due to the new General Data Protection Regs.
All very nice for other health care officials, but wouldn't it be nice to be able to access my own health care record ? I understand that this is not possible at the moment. Could we not enter a personal code to access our own health record ?
I use summary care everyday when Im in work because if I get a patient come into the hospital from outside of the UHBT, (united Bristol healthcare trust)I need to register them and find their NHS number.
'webbo', so what's the difference between a Summary Care Record and an Enhanced Summary Care Record? Is that something you know the answer to? For instance, if I came into your hospital from Wiltshire, would my existing Summary Care Record give you the information you would need?