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Aids For The Disabled

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Coppit | 15:39 Thu 18th Oct 2018 | Body & Soul
6 Answers
I'm used to finding that prices for goods for the disabled can cost as much as the firm can get, but I expected better from HSL.
Th controller for the chair I bought met with an accident caused by me and it costs £75 ex VAT for a replacement.



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Have you thought about looking on ebay for a replacement? I will be surprised if there is not one available. People sell them once they or their relatives no longer need them.
Why? they are a commercial company.
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I've tried looking for a S/H controller but no go.

In reply to woofgang, yes they are in business to make money but many are notorious for ripping off the disabled. A couple of years ago it was reported that the owner of Acorn stairlifts, (who invented the excellent device in his garage), took an £18m dividend. He lives in Monaco.
not sure why its a rip off?
I think EDDIE makes a good point Coppit.
It's a rip off in the same way that authorised contractors for your local council know that once they're in the door it's a licence to print money.

The customer's been captured and will just have to put up with being screwed for every possible penny.

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