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How Competitive Are You?

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bainbrig | 17:20 Tue 20th Nov 2018 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
How competitive are you? Just wondered. On a 0-10 scale (where 10 is say John McEnroe) I hover around zero.



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DTCwordfan \\efffoff webbo, it's mine.....// In your dreams..
18:48 Tue 20th Nov 2018
No ! I'm zero !
When I was young about 8 to 9. Nowadays about 3.

Retired early a few years back after running my own business for some time, up to then always a 10, have a nice lifestyle now but as and when needed we're back to 10 again if necessary.
I wouldn't say I'm the most competitive......but I'm in the top one! (thanks Cloughy!)
It depends on the situation.
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Buenchico. Not sure being the best at answering questions on here makes you competitive - just very helpful.
Similar to Tilly, if it's my 'hobby horse' then a big fat 10 - otherwise it's nah you can have it.
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Sipowicz. I like Shankly’s take best (We were lucky to get nil).
As competitive as my mental and physical ability can stretch. I welcome challenges. 8-10
“If you're not gonna go all the way, why go at all?”
In sport, games, and competitions – very – I enjoy competition immensely - (I loved exams too!) - but I’m a very sporting loser. In other areas, not at all. I never enter into any discussion where people are trying to outdo one another in the piety stakes and I really don’t care what other people have or do - or say they have or do. Bragging and one-upmanship bores me senseless.
I`ve never been one to compete with people. I like to be completely different and go my own way. I don't feel the need to pit myself against other people so it always amuses me when a scarily competitive streak appears when I do pub quizzes and other games. I have no idea where that comes from.
To be totally honest I simply can't be arsed.... So that would be a 0 most of the time.
I try to be as competitive as I can for board games and things like that - I find it makes them more fun. For everything else, not especially.
I presumed we were talking of things like games and sports, not ordinary conversation or buying vegetables.
10-very, and I want the best answer.
efffoff webbo, it's mine.....
All depends.
If I play a stranger at something then a 10
Friends...depends what mood I'm in.
I'm very competitive, eyes on the pri... oooh a squirrel!

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