This is a really odd question but it has always puzzled me. I am getting over a really bad cold at the moment. I know it's almost gone because all my teeth hurt! It's always this way with colds
Any ideas why ???
Not the same, but I know when i have a cold coming because my mouth gets sore and my teeth hurt. I have flu at the moment and my gums and teeth really hurt!
I am not sure that the toothache that you describe is a symptom of a resolving cold, more likely it is a symptom of blockage in your sinuses.
If it happens after every "cold" then i would suspect that you have long standing sinus disease or obstruction.
If it is not a problem, then live with it, but if it affects you day to day life, then consult your GP who may refer you to an E.N.T surgeon.
I always get this at the tail end of a cold and can last quite some days after all other symptoms have gone, I have always put it down to blocked sinuses above my cheekbones
If i cough a lot or sneeze etc,I find that teeth/gums aren't exactly sore but just tender. I put it down to "a whole lot of shakin goin on" on my older mouth now!
yeahder upper teef ( sorry teeth - just clicking into formal mode) upper teeth - their roots can be at the bottom of the sinuses
( clearly not the frontal or ethmoid sinuses)
and so infected sinus = tooth ache