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Canary42 | 12:29 Tue 22nd Jan 2019 | Jokes
9 Answers
Some of the blurb accompanying Spam, I find very amusing. (Un)fortunately, thanks to the timely interventions of our wonderful moderators, one has to be very quick to catch it (and I wouldn't have it any other way). But here's just one example of today's efforts, without the ubiquitous link so I hope it survives. The grammar is poor incidentally, another common trait (possibly due to auto-translations).

[propduct name] men not just ponder the achievement rate of the different male upgrades available, yet another mainstream discourse is the thing that reactions and dangers oblige male improvement. The most prevalent types of male improvement are penis siphons, normal male upgrade pills, medical procedure, and diverse sorts of activities. Every one of the four of these distinctive techniques have their very own arrangements of dangers and things to keep an eye out for. Every one of these techniques likewise fit diversely into individuals' ways of life, so that is something else to consider.


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Propduct name - they may have a place for you on their team ;-)
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I've also noticed a lot of spammers claim to be female. Obviously just another bit of deceit :-)
Maybe, rather than deleting spam posts, ed could edit-out the links and leave the rest in place to give us all a laugh.
I'm sure I wouldn't know.
I imagine many women would like a male upgrade. Can I swap my Ernest for a George Clooney?
You call yours Ernest?
Fitting I suppose.
no, if I'm Frank.

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