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The Funeral Was Today

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albaqwerty | 22:20 Tue 22nd Jan 2019 | ChatterBank
25 Answers
of my father-in-law.
Didn't go as planned, the music was a bit skewiff - in so far as what was supposed to have been sung wasn't.
I wasn't the only one who thought that was my FIL being a bit of a devil - wicked sense of humour.
The poor celebrant and the funeral guys were most apologetic.
But hey-ho, a difficult day has passed and so many were there to pay respects which was lovely.


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I'm glad that it all went fairly well, Alba. It doesn't matter about the music really.
aww...pleased it has passed without too much drama , even if not quite as planned xx
Sending you all warning hugs Alba xx
Sorry to hear it didn't go as planned,maybe your fil with a wicked sense humour didn't want it to!!! All the best
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Mr Alba thanked the music for going skewiff as he was very close to losing it, the poor man.

I would just like to add thank you to those who posted on previous threads for their compassionate words, means a lot.
Didn't go as planned, the music was a bit skewiff

LOL, I'd love to do that when my time comes.

Glad it went off alright though, alba.
Alba sometimes things don't as planned, but you were there and paid your respects, that's the important thing xx
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Queenie, thank you for the warning hugs lol :D :D xxxx

Minty, I've never been so heart-broken in my life, the next time will be if Mr Alba beats me to it.

Oooh, a giggle - the young albas were 'who is that?'
so many blooming cousins even Mr Alba was losing count !!

Next time round, I;m marrying an only child
Next. Time round, oh no you won’t. A difficult day done, take care Alba.
Glad all turned out reasonably well Albs. I bet your FIL was having a good old chuckle...
My Mum's funeral was a bit of a palaver. Oh how she would've laughed! (I'll tell you about that another time) ((hugs))xx
didnt go as planned

I thought of the wedding videos with 8 - y olds playing Here comes the bride
and having to give up as he hasnt practised enough ....

a difficult day overcome - well done
Sometimes a wry smile can take the edge off a little, you all got through it - he'd be very proud of you.x
ah well, as long as it was near enough.

I think I mentioned this a while back, but a friend of mine had to arrange a cremation service for a client. He got a tape of the deceased's favourite music to be played, only to find the first song on the playlist was "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes". phone screen is cracked I didn’t notice that it had changed to warning from warming!
I am glad that it is over for you both. I am sure many funerals don't go to plan. Just know that you did the best for your FIL.

Take a deep breath and relax now, my best to you all. xx
Sometimes it's the things that go wrong that make funerals and the days before bearable, my mother would have loved some of the things that happened.
During her final illness she'd lost a lot of weight. We were deciding what clothes to take to the undertakers and I picked up a suit, She liked this. My brother looked at it and said It'll bury her now though. We decided that that was a good choice then. I could almost hear her laughing.
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a sense of humour is always a good thing to have.
Others may find it inappropriate, but that's they hic-cup, not mine.

Spooky-ish occurrence - was chatting to one of the cousins who had flown up from Gloucestershire, part of his user-name on some web-sites is alba.
aaarrgg!! lol.

As an aside, has anyone tried to sing Amazing Grace to the tune of All Things Bright and Beautiful ? or vice versa?
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zebo, I like that!!.
Am sorry for your loss, but I do like that comment xx
I'm trying to sing that - it's not working well.
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Doesn't scan terribly well does it mamya?

My sister-out-law and I were trying our best but gave up.
As did the muzak machine.
We swear our fil was chuckling away to himself.

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